Search Results for: behavioral health

Evidence-Based Behavioral Health Care for Gender Diverse Children and Adolescents

In this talk from the 2020 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health conference, Dr. Henin covers behavioral health care approaches for transgender and gender-diverse youth and adolescents.

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Behavioral Health Care for Transgender and Gender-diverse People

In this webinar, Dr. Alex Keuroghlian discusses behavioral health care for transgender and gender-diverse people at health centers. This session will contextualize mental health inequities across diagnostic categories within a gender minority stress framework, propose culturally responsive tailoring of evidence-based clinical practices, and offer strategies for building inclusive, affirming, and trauma-informed environments within health centers in order to optimize behavioral health outcomes.

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Promoting the Behavioral Health of LGBTQ Older Adults

In collaboration with the National Center for Equitable Care for Elders, The Fenway Institute has created clinical best practices for supporting the behavioral health of LGBTQ older adults. This brief discusses current research on aging LGBTQ people, their needs, and the role of health centers in providing medical and behavioral support to this population.

Behavioral Health Assessments and Referral for Gender-Affirming Surgery

In this webinar Dr. Ruben Hopwood discusses gender dysphoria, surgical options and eligibility criteria for gender-affirming surgery. It also addresses basic mental health assessments and how to write referral letters.

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Behavioral Health Care for Transgender Adults

In this webinar, Dr. Keuroghlian will discuss behavioral health care needs for transgender adults and best practices, including adaptation of a minority stress framework in clinical practice, treatment for depression and anxiety, addressing substance use disorders, implementing principles of trauma-informed care, and considerations related to suicide prevention. The webinar will also address the role that behavioral health clinicians play in the gender affirmation process.

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Best Practices in Behavioral Health for Sexual Minority Women

In this webinar, Jane Powers discusses health disparities and risk factors among sexual minority women and how lack of culturally affirming care impacts health outcomes. She also highlights strategies that can be used to address implicit provider bias in care for sexual minority women.

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Behavioral Health Care Outside the Binary (2018)

In this talk, Dr. Sand Chang discusses the unique behavioral health needs of people who have a gender identity outside of the binary of man and woman. Dr. Chang addresses gender dysphoria in non-binary people, and describes several unique stressors that impact the non-binary community including discrimination from transgender and cisgender people who are threatened by gender identities that are not easily categorized as masculine or feminine. Dr. Chang also provides guidance on the role of behavioral health providers in helping non-binary identified people access gender affirming medical services.

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Behavioral Health Care for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) People

In many ways, LGBTQ people have similar behavioral health care needs to the general population. For many LGBTQ people, however, living as a stigmatized minority can cause undue stress, leading to mood disorders, suicidal ideation, and unhealthy coping behaviors, such as substance use disorders or high-risk sexual activity. This module discusses behavioral health disparities faced by LGBTQ populations, explains how these may differ across LGBTQ subpopulations, and discusses evidence-based clinical practices in LGBTQ behavioral health care.

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Addressing Opioid Use Disorders among LGBT People through Trauma-informed Care and Behavioral Health Integration

Dr. Keuroghlian will describe the epidemiology of opioid use disorders in the LGBT population, while identifying LGBT subpopulations at increased risk. He will then discuss best practices in addressing opioid use disorders among LGBT people.

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Importance of Behavioral Health Integration for LGBT Patients

LGBT people have disproportionately high prevalence of depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, and suicide attempts compared with the general population. In addition, LGBT people often have unique combined physical and behavioral health needs, including those of transgender people undergoing gender affirmation and special considerations for people living with HIV AIDS. Integration of behavioral health and primary care is therefore of particular importance as a clinical best practice for LGBT people. In this webinar, Alex S. Keuroghlian, MD, MPH, will discuss the value of behavioral health integration for LGBT patients, and how advancing behavioral health integration in primary care settings can improve patient access, engagement, and both physical and behavioral health outcomes.

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