Jennifer Potter, MD
Director of LGBT Population Health and Co-Chair of The Fenway Institute (TFI), Dr. Jennifer Potter has extensive clinical, medical education, research, and mentoring experience. She has designed and implemented numerous curricula for health professionals, focused on LGBT health, women’s health, sexual health, cancer survivorship, and care for people with disabilities. In addition, she co-edited two seminal textbooks on LGBT health (The Fenway Guide to LGBT Health and Trauma, Resilience and Health Promotion in LGBT Patients; What Every Healthcare Provider Should Know), and co-authored an American Association of Medical Colleges’ monograph entitled Implementing Curricular and Institutional Climate Changes to Improve Health Care for Individuals Who are LGBT, Gender Nonconforming, or Born with DSD: A Resource for Medical Educators.
Previously co-director of a Behavioral Health Curriculum for medical residents at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, site director for a HRSA-funded Primary Care HIV Track at Fenway Health, Dr. Potter currently serves nationally as Associate Editor of the LGBT Collection for MedEdPORTAL. Dr. Potter is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School (HMS), where she has been a longstanding member of the Continuing Medical Education (CME) Committee and serves as the Advisory Dean and Director of the William B. Castle Society, director of an online Harvard Global Academy course on LGBT health, associate director of the annual HMS CME course Primary Care Internal Medicine, co-director of the collaborative TFI-HMS-sponsored annual Sexual and Gender Minority Health Equity CME Conference, and faculty co-director of two HMS curricular themes focused on SGM health equity and trauma-informed care. She presents regularly at undergraduate, graduate, and CME venues across the country and serves as a consultant to domestic and international medical schools engaged in LGBT curricular inclusion efforts.