These modules, developed by Harvard Medical School, are intended to train medical educators and clinicians in patient care for sexual and gender minorities and offer more effective teaching strategies.
Learning Resources — Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Health
How to Weave Intersectional Identities and Lived Experience into Teaching Cases without Stereotyping or Causing Offense
This module will help you understand the concept of intersectional identities and provide a framework for including them responsibly in teaching cases and case presentations. By the completion of this module, you will be able to:
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- Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Health
Sensitive and Affirming Communication
In this module, we’ll walk you through how to develop sensitive and affirming communication skills, which are essential for inclusive, safe, and high-quality medical education experiences with students, as well as clinical care experiences with patients. By the end of this module, you will be able to:
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- Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Health
Implicit Bias and Power Imbalances
In this module, we will describe how implicit bias and power imbalances across medical education and clinical settings are key factors influencing the quality of medical education experiences for students, as well as clinical care experiences for patients. By the end of this module, you will be able to:
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- Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Health
Sexual and Gender Minority Health Inequities
In this module, you will learn about sexual and gender minority health inequities. Health inequities are differences in health status or in the distribution of health resources between different population groups, arising from the social conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. Understanding and being sensitive to these inequities and how they impact an individual’s full picture of health will make you a better teacher and practitioner. By the completion of this module, you will be able to:
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- Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Health
Sexual and Gender Minority Terms and Concepts
This module will provide you with basic concepts and terminology that you need to know to start or expand teaching sexual and gender minority health content in your course or clerkship. By the completion of this module, you will be able to:
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- Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Health
Sexual and Gender Minority Health Equity Initiative Introduction
The overarching objectives of the modules are to provide the tools you will need to incorporate best practices in sexual and gender minority health education into your courses and clerkships, and to empower you to serve as an ambassador for sexual and gender minority health equity. You are key to this journey, which would not be possible without you. We honor the creativity you will bring to enhancing sexual and gender minority health education. We hope you will enjoy incorporating new materials and methods into your teaching and medical education leadership. And most important of all, we celebrate the fact that your actions will set a new standard for evidence-based affirming care for sexual and gender minority people.
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- Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Health
Fitness and Movement 4 All Bodies; Using A Social Justice Framework
This talk is from the 2022 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health Care Conference.
Primary Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients
In this talk from the 2022 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health Care Conference, Julie Thompson discusses preventative health considerations for Trans and Gender-Diverse individuals.
Health Disparities, Stigma and Terminology: Health Equity for Transgender and Gender Diverse Populations
In this pre-conference talk from the 2022 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health Care Conference, Dr. Sari Reisner reviews the basics of providing inclusive and affirming care for Trans and Gender-Diverse individuals. This overview covers terminology and framing, mental health inequities affecting transgender communities, and gaps and opportunities for improving care.