In this overview from the March 2022 Advancing Excellence in Sexual and Gender Minority Health Education: A Train-the-Trainer Course, Dr. Brittany Charlton reviews sexual and gender minority health concepts and terminology with a focus on how to educate others on this content.
Learning Resources — Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Health
Introduction and Panel of SGM Health Education Champions
In this opening session at the March 2022 Advancing Excellence in Sexual and Gender Minority Health Education: A Train-the-Trainer Course, Dr. Ken Mayer introduces the history of sexual and gender minority health and Dr. Lakesha Williams moderates a panel of Health Education Champions.
Equidad en la salud para las personas LGBTQIA+
Esta presentación ayudara a los profesionales de salud a mejorar su capacidad para proveer servicios de salud de alta calidad, compasiva e inclusiva a las pacientes lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgénero, queer, intersexual, asexual (LGBTQIA+). Los participantes aprenderán estrategias para documentar la identidad sexual y de genero de sus pacientes, y como desarrollar un ambiente de empoderamiento y afirmación.
- Filed under
- Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Health
Health Care Considerations for Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ Indigenous Communities
This publication will guide health centers in providing affirming care and services for Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) people. Readers will explore key concepts, terminology, and the effects of historical trauma. Discover best and promising practices for care that incorporate Indigenous holistic models of wellness and focus on resilience and protective factors, including links to resources for further exploration of this topic.
Primary and Preventative Health Needs for Transgender People
In this talk from the 2021 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health conference, Dr. Deutsch covers primary care and preventative health needs for transgender and non-binary people.
Addressing Unconscious and Implicit Bias
In this talk from the 2021 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health conference, Cei Lambert focuses particularly on provider bias and power dynamics and how bias shows up for transgender and gender-diverse clients.
Gender-Affirmative Health Care
In this talk from the 2021 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health conference, Dr. Reisner provides an overview on gender-affirmative health care, including terminology, demographics and epidemiology.
Pre-Conference – Creating an Inclusive and Welcoming Environment
In this talk from the 2021 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health conference, Dr. Keuroghlian discusses ways to create an inclusive and welcoming environment at your health center, clinic or institution.
Pre-Conference – Behavioral Health Care for Transgender and Gender-diverse patients
In this talk from the 2021 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health conference, Dr. Alex Keuroghlian discusses behavioral health care for transgender and gender-diverse people at health centers. This session will contextualize mental health inequities across diagnostic categories within a gender minority stress framework, propose culturally responsive tailoring of evidence-based clinical practices, and offer strategies for building inclusive, affirming, and trauma-informed environments within health centers in order to optimize behavioral health outcomes.
Pre-Conference – Primary Care for Transgender and Gender-diverse patients
In this talk from the 2021 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health conference, Julie Thompson, PA-C covers current research and considerations for primary care and preventive screening for transgender and gender-diverse people. The benefits of an integrated approach to gender-affirming care within primary care are highlighted.