Learning Resources

Caring for LGBTQIA+ Youth at Health Centers

Presented by the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center, this webinar will focus on both disparities and resilience among LGBTQIA+ youth, including practical strategies for reaching and engaging LGBTQIA+ youth into primary care and behavioral health care. In addition to learning of health risks faced by LGBTQIA+ youth, webinar participants will become more familiar with LGBTQIA+ youth culture, and will learn of ways to forge trusting relationships and create welcoming environments.

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Patient-Centered Telehealth for LGBTQIA+ Communities

This publication is designed to support health centers in using telehealth programs to increase access to patient care and services for LGBTQIA+ people. Telehealth, in which technology is used to provide health care services at a distance, has become an essential approach to providing patient care and services for underserved communities, including LGBTQIA+ people. Telehealth eliminates geographic restrictions, which increases access to providers who can provide culturally affirming and knowledgeable health care for LGBTQIA+ people. Although telehealth has the potential to improve health outcomes for LGBTQIA+ patients, considerations need to be made to ensure equitable access. The purpose of this publication is to educate health center staff on how to reduce barriers to LGBTQIA+ patient care by improving telehealth programming.

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Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse Children Whose Parents Are Involved in a Custody Dispute

Custody disputes involving transgender and gender diverse (TGD) children and adolescents require careful consideration due to the unique medical, social, and mental health needs of TGD youth. This is especially the case when one parent is less accepting of the child’s gender exploration/identity than the co-parent. Due to a lack of familiarity within family courts regarding TGD children, harmful misinformation has resulted in the more gender-affirming parent losing physical and/or legal decision-making custody of their TGD child to the non-affirming parent.

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Disaster Equity: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery for LGBTQIA+ Patients of Health Centers

LGBTQIA+ people exist in all communities and are incredibly diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, ability, etc. Importantly, LGBTQIA+ people are underrepresented in disaster and climate infrastructure and policies, yet are overrepresented in populations that are known to be the most impacted by natural disasters—such as those burdened with chronic illness, who are unhoused, or have limited access to healthcare.

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An Introduction to Anal Cancer and Anal Dysplasia Screening

Presented by Dr. Ami Multani, this webinar will present the current evidence base on screening (living with and without HIV) for anal cancer, and will discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of screening patients in primary care. Resources will be provided on further training for performing anal Pap and high-resolution anoscopy.

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Glosario de términos LGBTQIA+ para equipos de atención a la salud

Language is powerful and influences many of our interactions. As a health care provider, becoming familiar with terms used by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) communities can help you provide these patients with the highest quality care. In this glossary, you will find some of the terms most relevant to the health care of LGBTQIA+ people translated into Spanish. This glossary does not have every term used by the community, but you will find terms most commonly used when patients are accessing health care. It is important to keep in mind that language can change over time, and so this glossary will be update periodically to reflect those changes.

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Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on LGBTQIA+ Patients at Health Centers

Presented by Leo Goldsmith and Dr. Bhar Chekuri, this webinar will familiarize health centers on the impact of climate change on LGBTQIA+ communities, and will introduce strategies for ensuring an equitable and culturally affirming response to climate change and its health impacts.

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PrEP Action Kit (2024)

This PrEP Action Kit includes clinical resources to help providers incorporate PrEP into their practices. Including helpful resources such as tips on taking a comprehensive sexual history, frequently asked questions about PrEP and information on PrEP prescribing and monitoring. This action kit is an essential resource for all providers treating LGBTQIA+ patients or patients at risk of HIV infection.

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Optimizing Physical Safety and Cyber Security for Health Centers Offering Gender-Affirming Care

Presented by Dr. Alex Keuroghlian, Dr. Chris Roby, and Bonnie Michelman, this webinar will focus on the current risks to those providing gender-affirming care and provide strategies for safeguarding facilities and employees from threats, violence, and unsafe behavior.

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Physical Activity and Sports Participation for Transgender and Gender Diverse People

This publication is designed to support health centers in promoting physical activity and sports participation for transgender and gender diverse (TGD) patients. TGD people experience multiple mental and physical health disparities throughout the life course, including increased cardiometabolic risk. Despite these increased risks, preventive health guidelines rarely address the unique needs of TGD people. In this publication, we therefore provide evidence-informed guidance for clinical care teams to support the health and wellness of their TGD patients. Clinicians will learn to:

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  • Behavioral Health
  • Cancer and LGBTQIA+ People
  • Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data
  • Diabetes and Heart Health
  • Emergency Preparedness & Response
  • HIV/STI Treatment and Prevention
  • Intersex Health
  • Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Health
  • LGBTQIA+ Children and Youth
  • LGBTQIA+ Older Adults
  • LGBTQIA+ People of Color
  • Organizational Change
  • Patient Education Materials
  • Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
  • Reproductive Health
  • Sexual Minority Women
  • Transgender Health
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