Presented by Dr. Cristina Cusin and Dr. Alex Keuroghlian, this webinar will review the current evidence on the safety and efficacy of ketamine therapy for patients with treatment resistant major depressive disorder. We will present different methods for delivering ketamine and referring patients to treatment and explore other emerging depression treatments. These treatments will be discussed through the lens of providing high-quality, culturally responsive care for LGTBQIA+ patients.
Learning Resources — Webinars
Infectious Disease Outbreaks and Impact on LGBTQIA+ People
Presented by Dr. Kevin Ard in collaboration with the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center, this webinar will update health centers on responding to outbreaks of syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections among MSM in their communities. Discussions will include culturally responsive, evidence-based screening, testing, treatment, and outreach in coordination with public health departments.
- Filed under
- HIV/STI Treatment and Prevention
Improving Depression Care for LGBTQIA+ Older Adults at Health Centers
Presented by Lisa Krinsky and Dr. Alex Keuroghlian in collaboration with the National Center for LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center and the National Center for Equitable Care for Elders (NCECE), this webinar will focus on addressing mental health disparities in older LGBTQIA+ adults through culturally responsive care. Participants will consider approaches for promoting a supportive environment and providing tailored services to LGBTQIA+ patients as they age.
- Filed under
- LGBTQIA+ Older Adults
Low Threshold Substance Use Support for LGBTQIA+ Communities
In collaboration with the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, this webinar will discuss innovative low-barrier, patient-centered models of SUD treatment that can be integrated into health centers, and can effectively engage LGBTQIA+ communities and people experiencing homelessness. Approaches will include same-day and home induction of medications for opioid use disorder, long-acting injectables, and harm reduction principles.
- Filed under
- Organizational Change
Long-Acting Injectable PrEP for LGBTQIA+ Populations: Implementation in Health Center
Join Dr. Ard from the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center and Jeannie McIntosh from Community Health Center, Inc. for an informative webinar on the benefits and practical implementation of long-acting injectable PrEP in health centers. Focused on improving care for LGBTQIA+ communities, this webinar will explore eligibility and assessment of candidates, administering long-acting injectable PrEP, and common challenges in prescribing and integrating injectable long-acting injectable PrEP.
- Filed under
- Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
The Intersection of HIV, Aging, and Housing: Considerations for Health Centers
This webinar from the National Center for Equitable Care for Elders (NCECE), the National Center for Health in Public Housing (NCHPH), and the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center will focus on integrated solutions for supporting older adults living with HIV to safely age in their community of choice.
HIV Prevention and Care for People Assigned Female at Birth
Presented by Dr. Whitney Irie and Dr. Kevin Ard in collaboration with the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center, this webinar will train health centers on best and promising practices for prevention and treatment of HIV among cisgender women, non-binary people assigned female at birth, and transgender men.
- Filed under
- HIV/STI Treatment and Prevention
Caring for LGBTQIA+ Youth at Health Centers
Presented by the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center, this webinar will focus on both disparities and resilience among LGBTQIA+ youth, including practical strategies for reaching and engaging LGBTQIA+ youth into primary care and behavioral health care. In addition to learning of health risks faced by LGBTQIA+ youth, webinar participants will become more familiar with LGBTQIA+ youth culture, and will learn of ways to forge trusting relationships and create welcoming environments.
- Filed under
- LGBTQIA+ Children and Youth
An Introduction to Anal Cancer and Anal Dysplasia Screening
Presented by Dr. Ami Multani, this webinar will present the current evidence base on screening (living with and without HIV) for anal cancer, and will discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of screening patients in primary care. Resources will be provided on further training for performing anal Pap and high-resolution anoscopy.
- Filed under
- Cancer and LGBTQIA+ People
Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on LGBTQIA+ Patients at Health Centers
Presented by Leo Goldsmith and Dr. Bhar Chekuri, this webinar will familiarize health centers on the impact of climate change on LGBTQIA+ communities, and will introduce strategies for ensuring an equitable and culturally affirming response to climate change and its health impacts.
- Filed under
- Organizational Change