In this talk from the 2020 Advancing Excellence in Sexual and Gender Minority Health conference, Chris Grasso provides methods and tools for incorporating sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data collection into workflows and electronic health records. The presentation also covers SOGI training and staff engagement.
Learning Resources — Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data
Affirmative Services for Transgender and Gender Diverse People – Best Practices for Frontline Health Care Staff
This publication provides best practices and guidance for frontline healthcare staff on how to best serve transgender and gender diverse patients. Topics covered include gender affirming language, asking about sexual orientation and gender identity data, asking for name and pronouns used, and more. The publication features a quick-reference sheet that can be removed and posted in a workspace.
You’ve Built It…Now What?
In this publication we walk through three steps for effectively and efficiently using sexual orientation and gender identity data to reduce health disparities among LGBTQ patients.
SO/GI Data Collection Demonstration Videos
These videos demonstrate best practices in sexual orientation and gender identity data collection. They address common questions and issues that arise for frontline and clinical staff when asking patients about their sexual orientation and gender identity. We hope these videos can provide a valuable training tool for health care staff looking for sample language and best practices.
Portions of this course were developed in partnership with New York City Health + Hospitals
This video course is not currently eligible for CME credit.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questions: Information for Patients
This pamphlet on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) questions can be handed out to patients in waiting rooms or exam rooms. The pamphlet explains: why your organization is asking about SOGI, what each SOGI term means, and how the information will be kept confidential. The pamphlet comes in several languages.