Learning Resources — Organizational Change

Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data (AESGM 2023)

In this presentation from the March 2023 Advancing Excellence in Sexual and Gender Minority Health Education conference, Chris Grasso and Juwan Campbell discuss why and how to collect Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) data, as well as how to implement SOGI data collection at your health center.

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Concepts and Terminology Overview (AESGM 2023)

In this presentation from the March 2023 Advancing Excellence in Sexual and Gender Minority Health Education conference, Dr. Brittany Charlton discusses core SGM health terminology and concepts, as well as affirming patient interaction and theories underling SGM health and health disparities.

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Harvard Medical School’s Sexual and Gender Minority Health Teaching Module Series

These modules, developed by Harvard Medical School, are intended to train medical educators and clinicians in patient care for sexual and gender minorities and offer more effective teaching strategies.

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How to Evaluate Your Impact and Serve as a Change Agent

Finally, we will focus on how to evaluate your impact and serve as a change agent. Evaluation and dissemination are crucial when making changes in the learning environment and curriculum. By the end, you will be able to:

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How to Scan Your Course or Clerkship Syllabus and Integrate Sexual and Gender Minority Health Content

We will now focus on curriculum integration. In particular, you will learn how to scan your course or clerkship syllabus and integrate content that is related to sexual and gender minority health.

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How to Foster a Supportive Learning Environment in Your Course or Clerkship

Next, we will focus on the learning environment. You will learn how to foster a supportive learning environment in your course or clerkship. This is especially important when you are teaching about sexual and gender minority health content, and when you are teaching individuals who have been historically excluded, such as SGM-identified trainees.

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Creating an Inclusive and Affirming Health Care Environment for Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients

In this talk from the 2022 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health Care Conference, Dr. Alex Keuroghlian discusses how to create an inclusive and affirming healthcare environment for Trans and Gender Diverse patients. By the end of this talk, you will be able to explain how staff can engage in sensitive and effective communication with TGD communities, describe how policies, processes and forms contribute to creating an affirming environment for TGD communities, and apply strategies and best practices for building an inclusive and affirming healthcare environment for TGD communities.

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Engaging Leadership and Organizational Change

In this talk from the 2022 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health Care Conference, Steph deNormand and Mason Dunn discuss engaging leadership in creating organizational change. By the end of this talk, you will be able to Understand at least three markers of a more inclusive environment for trans and gender diverse staff, clients, patients, and community members, recognize the necessity to involve all levels of and positions in an organization to build system-wide change, consider changes to workforce development to attract transgender and gender diverse applicants and employees, and be able to apply the case example of Fenway Health to one's own place of work, and develop at least two next steps for organizational change.

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Building an Academic Trans Health Program Panel

In this talk from the 2022 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health Care Conference, Jenny Potter, Jenny Siegel, Michael Irwig, and OP Hamnvik discuss building an academic trans health program.

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Combating Implicit and Unconscious Bias Toward Transgender and Gender Diverse People

In this talk from the 2022 Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health Care Conference, Cei Lambert discusses combating implicit and unconscious bias towards transgender and gender diverse people. By the end of this talk, you will be able to understand how implicit and unconscious biases are created, describe the specific biases that can happen in medicine, and name ways to prevent bias from influencing clinical care, identify specific implicit biases that may exist about transgender and gender diverse people, and define principles of pyschological safety that can be used to interrupt and stop bias.

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  • Behavioral Health
  • Cancer and LGBTQIA+ People
  • Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data
  • Diabetes and Heart Health
  • Emergency Preparedness & Response
  • HIV/STI Treatment and Prevention
  • Intersex Health
  • Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Health
  • LGBTQIA+ Children and Youth
  • LGBTQIA+ Older Adults
  • LGBTQIA+ People of Color
  • Organizational Change
  • Patient Education Materials
  • Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
  • Reproductive Health
  • Sexual Minority Women
  • Transgender Health