In this talk from the 2020 Advancing Excellence in Sexual and Gender Minority Health conference, Chris Grasso provides methods and tools for incorporating sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data collection into workflows and electronic health records. The presentation also covers SOGI training and staff engagement.
Learning Resources
Taking an Affirming Sexual History (2020)
In this talk from the 2020 Advancing Excellence in Sexual and Gender Minority Health conference, Julie Thompson describes barriers to care experienced by LGBTQIA+ communities, provides recommendations for talking about sex and bodies with cultural humility, and outlines a trauma-informed approach to care.
Caring for the Sexual Health of LGBTQIA+ Older Adults – Part 2
In this second of our two-part webinar on sexual health and LGBTQIA+ Older Adults, Lisa Krinsky, LICSW and Kevin Ard, MD discuss social and care measures to support positive sexual health in sexual and gender minority elders. The session addresses social stigma toward the sexual health of older adults and provides guidance on how to best support elders in a healthy sex life. PrEP and other STI prevention and treatment measures are discussed in the context of LGBTQIA+ older adults.
- Filed under
- LGBTQIA+ Older Adults
Affirmative Services for Transgender and Gender Diverse People – Best Practices for Frontline Health Care Staff
This publication provides best practices and guidance for frontline healthcare staff on how to best serve transgender and gender diverse patients. Topics covered include gender affirming language, asking about sexual orientation and gender identity data, asking for name and pronouns used, and more. The publication features a quick-reference sheet that can be removed and posted in a workspace.
Caring for the Sexual Health of LGBTQIA+ Older Adults – Part 1
In this two part series, The National LGBT Health Education Center and the National Center for Equitable Care for Elders provide guidance on how to care for the sexual health and well-being of LGBTQIA+ older adults.
- Filed under
- LGBTQIA+ Older Adults
- Transgender Health
You’ve Built It…Now What?
In this publication we walk through three steps for effectively and efficiently using sexual orientation and gender identity data to reduce health disparities among LGBTQ patients.
Physical Therapy and Gender Affirmation
Holly Herman, DPT, discusses the components of physical therapy involved in intra-, pre-, and post-operative care for gender affirmation as well as evaluation and treatment for these types of therapy.
- Filed under
- Transgender Health
Diabetes Prevention and Management for LGBTQ People
In this publication, we discuss diabetes risk factors unique to LGBTQ people, and make recommendations for screening and management of diabetes in LGBTQ populations.
- Filed under
- Diabetes and Heart Health
Promoting the Behavioral Health of LGBTQ Older Adults
In collaboration with the National Center for Equitable Care for Elders, The Fenway Institute has created clinical best practices for supporting the behavioral health of LGBTQ older adults. This brief discusses current research on aging LGBTQ people, their needs, and the role of health centers in providing medical and behavioral support to this population.
- Filed under
- Behavioral Health
- LGBTQIA+ Older Adults
Caring for Sexual Minority Women
Dr. Jennifer Potter will discuss healthcare considerations for sexual and gender minority women, with particular emphasis on recent innovations and trauma informed care. This webinar will cover best practices and case scenarios, and will provide a solid foundation for caring for this population.
- Filed under
- Sexual Minority Women